COLEOPTERA: Cicindelidae

Members of the family Cicindelidae are often called tiger beetles. There are over 2,600 species known worldwide; roughly 100 of these are found in North America.

Some studies classify this family as a group within the family Carabidae. We are treating this as a separate family. Regardless, they are a distinctive group of beetles and adults are often encountered in central Illinois during the warmer months.

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Cicindela formosa, dorsal view
Cicindela formosa, lateral view
Cicindela formosa, frontal view

Cicindela formosa Say, 1817. The common name is big sand tiger beetle. There are 6 subspecies in North America. Our former member, Gordon Adams, collected this specimen in Peoria County, Illinois, in May, 1963.

For most tiger beetle species, both larvae and adults are predators and are often found in the same habitat. This species prefers dry sandy areas (often in upland areas) with little to no standing water. Both adults and larvae often feed on ants and simmilar sized arthropods. Larvae live in burrows and it may take 2 – 3 years to complete their life cycle.

Cicindela hirticollis, dorsal view
Cicindela hirticollis, lateral view
Cicindela hirticollis, frontal view

Cicindela hirticollis Say, 1817. This species was described by the American entomologist, Thomas Say in 1817. Yes, one year before Illinois became a state. The common name is hairy-necked tiger beetle. There are 11 recognized subspecies in North America. Our former member, Gordon Adams, collected this specimen in Peoria County, Illinois, in July, 1967.

This species prefers dry sandy beaches and sand bars in rivers and streams. Populations of this species appear to be in decline.

Cicindela limbalis, dorsal view
Cicindela limbalis, lateral view
Cicindela limbalis, frontal view

Cicindela limbalis Klug, 1834. The common name is common claybank tiger beetle. They have been found as far north as Canada’s Yukon Territory. Our former member, Gordon Adams, collected this specimen in Tazewell County, Illinois, in September, 1968.

This species (both adults and larvae) prefers bare clay slopes along river banks.

Cicindela punctulata dorsal view
Cicindela punctulata lateral view
Cicindela punctulata frontal view

Cicindela punctulata Olivier, 1790. Adults of the punctured tiger beetle are sometimes attracted to light at night. There are over 2,600 known species in the genus Cicindela. Many are found in sandy soil (often near bodies of water). Adults often run after their prey (and some members of this genus can reach speeds of 9 km/h. When you consider their size, these are some of the fastest land animals on our planet. This specimen was collected by Mark DuBois in Peoria Co., Illinois.

Cicindela repanda, dorsal view
Cicindela repanda, lateral view
Cicindela repanda, frontal view

Cicindela repanda Dejean, 1825. This species was described by the French entomologist, Pierre François Marie Auguste Dejean in 1825. Fun fact, he was a lieutenant general and “aide de campe” to Napoleon. He had a vast collection of beetles.

The common name of this tiger beetle is the bronzed tiger beetle. There are three described subspecies. Our former member, Gordon Adams, collected this specimen in Tazewell County, Illinois, in October, 1970.

This species (both adults and larvae) is found in sandy, gravel, or clay based soils. It feeds on many different arthropods (and has even been reported eating fruit – sassafras). Adults emerge in the autumn and survive the winter to reproduce in the spring. This Wikipedia article provides much more information about this species.

Cicindela scutellaris, dorsal view
Cicindela scutellaris, lateral view
Cicindela scutellaris, frontal view

Cicindela scutellaris Say, 1823. Seven subspecies of this beetle are presently recognized.

This species has the common name – festive tiger beetle. It typically has a life cycle of 2 years. Both adults and third instar larvae have been documented overwintering. These beetles are often found in sandy habitats. Like most tiger beetles, both larvae and adults are preators. They often feed on ants.

The beetle shown here was collected by our former member, Gordon Adams, in Peoria County, Illinois, in August, 1964.

Cicindela sexguttata dorsal view
Cicindela sexguttata lateral view
Cicindela sexguttata frontal view

Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775. The common name for this species is six-spotted tiger beetle. Adults and larvae are predators of small arthropods. These beetles are often observed along trails in wooded areas )particularly the sunny patches). Larvae hunt from burrows in sandy soil (they often lunge out of the burrow to capture passing arthropods; mostly small insects and spiders). This specimen was collected by Mark DuBois in Marshall Co., Illinois.

Ellipsoptera lepida, dorsal view
Ellipsoptera lepida, lateral view
Ellipsoptera lepida, frontal view

Ellipsoptera lepida (Dejean, 1831). This species was described by the French soldier and entomologist, Pierre François Marie Auguste Dejean, in 1831.

Fun fact (from the Wikipedia article about him) – “At the battle of Alcanizas he took time out of battle to pick up a beetle that he pinned on to cork on the inside of his helmet. After victory, he was pleased to find the beetle intact.” Now that is dedication to entomology! Or, insanity?

This species has the common name – ghost tiger beetle. It may live as long as 2 years. It is now considered a threaened species in Minnesota. It is typically found in sandy soils with little vegetation.

The beetle shown here was collected by Gordon Adams in Peoria County, Illinois, in June, 1964.