Outreach activities

Periodically, some of our members are asked to make presentations to classes, summer camps, and similar events for children and adults. We thought it would be helpful to post some photos from these events (beginning in August, 2024).

August 14, 2024 – Charlotte Mason Summer Camp

Mark DuBois was asked to spend some time with children participating in this summer camp near Tiskilwa. Children and adults encountered a number of insects and learned the fundamentals of insect life in central Illinois (aspects such as how to avoid being eaten by predators, how insects likely perceive the world with their vision [compound eyes], and much more). We also observed many insects in their natural habitat and learned about many species we typically walk past in mowed lawns. Here are some of the photos from that day. Hope you enjoy. If you would like a presentation for your class, please reach out to us via our contact page.