Observing Insects at Night

Some members of our central Illinois insect group spent part of the evening of May 22, 2021 observing insects along Kickapoo Creek at Jubilee Park (near Peoria, IL). This video is a quick summary of some of the species we observed. We hope you enjoy...

Dixon Waterfowl Refuge – May, 2021

We visited Dixon Waterfowl Refuge (near Hennepin, IL) on Sunday, May 16, 2021. Nearly 20 people participated in this field trip. We observed a number of insects and more. Many thanks to Jose for taking the insect macro photographs. Here is a short video summary of our...

Henry Gleason field trip, April, 2021

We held our first in-person field trip of 2021 on April 18. We visited the Henry Gleason Nature Preserve in Mason County, Illinois. It is located roughly 3 miles north of Topeka, Illinois. Henry Allan Gleason was a pioneer naturalist. The preserve contains sand...

2021 Meetings

2021 Meetings We decided in January to establish our tentative event schedule for 2021. Given the pandemic, these dates may change (or we may decide to pursue another route). Please check this page for updates. These are listed below. All events start on Saturday at 9...

Dixon Waterfowl Refuge – June 20, 2020

We visited the Dixon Waterfowl Refuge (near Hennepin, Illinois) on June 20, 2020. Here is a 360 view of our group as we reviewed our findings after our walk. Central Illinois Entomology group meeting at Dixon Waterfowl Refuge (near Hennepin, IL) on June 20. We are...

2020 Meetings

We met in January and established the our tentative event schedule for 2020. These are listed below. All events start on Saturday at 9 a.m. unless otherwise noted. In the event of inclement weather, we plan to meet the following day (Sunday at 1 p.m. rather than...

Singing Woods, October, 2019

We visited Singing Woods (Peoria Co., Illinois) on October 19, 2019. Here is a video overview of our excursion/ walk. We had a great time. Our next meeting will be at Frank’s house in mid-November. Hope you will be able to...

Harper’s Woods – July, 2019

We visited Harper’s Woods (a private nature preserve). It is located near Bradford (in Stark Co, Illinois). It is quite dificult to find. The woods themselves have been preserved since the 1860’s. I provide a video overview of our field trip. If you were...

Night Collecting

Night collecting is an opportunity for us to observe many species of insects we would not typically encounter during the daytime. This video provides a quick overview of our activity. Let us know (via the comments) if you are interested in...

Singing Woods – October, 2017

Our group of entomologists visited Singing Woods (Peoria Co., Illinois) in October. Although I was in Abu Dhabi, Frank Hitchell took a number of photos. We hope you enjoy this short overview of the excursion. Perhaps you will be inspired to join us on one of our trips...