Jan 19, 2018 | Activities
Although I was in London, members of our central Illinois entomology group too a field trip to Farmdale Park in July, 2017. Frank Hitchell took a number of photos and I created this video of the trip for the group. Hopefully, it gives you some idea of what the...
Jun 18, 2017 | Activities
We visited Matthiessen State Park in central Illinois On Saturday, June 17, 2017. In addition to taking a number of photos (which are presented below), I also took several 360 degree photos with my Ricoh Theta S camera. Here are a couple of 360 degree photos. This one...
May 17, 2017 | Activities
Our group visited Merwin Nature Preserve on May 13, 2017. Many others were present as the group responsible for the upkeep of the reserve was holding a celebration of their 50th anniversary. Here is a video synopsis of our trip. We hope you will be able to participate...
Apr 26, 2017 | Activities
We cancelled our April 29 field trip. There appears to be too much rain in the forecast. You are encouraged to participate in Mark DuBois’ presentation on the evolution of insects on April 30 at the Peoria Riverfront Museum (2 – 3 p.m.). Note there is a...
Mar 20, 2017 | Activities
We toured the Funk’s Mineral Museum (near Bloomington, IL) on March 18, 2017. This museum has a large collection of minerals, fossils (and so much more). We also visited a maple sirup store (sirup is spelled correctly as it contains only boiled tree sap; syrup...
Feb 18, 2017 | Activities, Local Species
I decided to make a separate recording of the presentation I gave to our group on Feb. 18, 2017. This is a slightly shorter version. Cold Adapted Insects from Mark DuBois on Vimeo. Please use the comments section if you have questions about this...
Jan 29, 2017 | Activities
We met in January and established the our tentative event schedule for 2017. These are listed below. All events start on Saturday at 9 a.m. unless otherwise noted. We welcome new members and look forward to meeting you at these events. February 18th (meet at...
Nov 20, 2016 | Activities, Local Species
We met at the home of Frank Hitchell on November 19, 2016 for our final meeting of the year. We had a “show and tell” session where members brought photos and specimens to discuss. Here is a quick video overview. November, 2016 Entomology meeting from Mark...
Oct 15, 2016 | Activities
We visited Singing Woods in Peoria Co., Illinois for our field trip on October 15, 2016. This video covers some of the highlights of our “walk in the woods.” Singing Woods from Mark DuBois on Vimeo. For another view of the trip, here are some 360 degree...
Sep 18, 2016 | Activities
We held our annual picnic at Jubilee State Park (west of Peoria, Illinois) on September 17, 2016. We had many great conversations. Here is a quick video overview of our experiences. Entomology Picnic September 17, 2016 from Mark DuBois on Vimeo. We hope you can...