Jubilee Park Field Trip

We spent the morning of May 18, 2013 walking various trails from the Red Fox Run picnic area at Jubilee State Park (Illinois). Here are some of the photos Mark took during the trip. We hope ou enjoy these and look forward to seeing you at one of our future field...

Revis Ridge Field Trip

On Saturday, April 27, 2013, we visited the Revis Ridge Nature Preserve (near Springfield, Illinois). Here are some of the photos Mark DuBois took during the excursion. To view more, click on any photo. You will be taken to Mark’s Flickr site where you can view...

2013 Meetings

We are proud to announce the beginning of another season of meetings of the Entomology Section. Our main goal is to encourage participation in the study of the insect world around us. This is accomplished through field trips, educational programs, sharing experiences,...

2012 meetings

This is our tentative schedule of meetings for the year. We invite anyone interested in entomology to participate in our meetings. The schedule may change over the year, so we encourage you to contact us or check the site for updates. For field trips, we often leave...

2011 Meetings

This is our tentative schedule of meetings for the year. We invite anyone interested in entomology to participate in our meetings. The schedule may change over the year, so we encourage you to contact us or check the site for updates. For field trips, we often leave...

2010 Meetings

This is our tentative schedule of meetings for the year. We invite anyone interested in entomology to participate in our meetings. The schedule may change over the year, so we encourage you to contact us or check the site for updates. For field trips, we often leave...

Illinois Insect – Paper Wasp

This paper wasp (Polistes fuscatus) was photographed by our member Gordon Adams. Paper wasps are members of the insect family Vespidae in the order Hymenoptera. Their nests consist of a horizontal comb of paper cells supported by a slender stalk. These wasps make...

Illinois Insect – Soldier Beetle

This photo of a soldier beetle (Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus) was taken by Gordon Adams. Soldier beetles are members of the beetle family Cantharidae and the adults are usually found on flowers.

Illinois Insect – Chinese Mantid

This photo of a Chinese Mantid (Tenodera aridifolia) was taken by Gordon Adams (a member of our group). There are roughly 2,300 described species of the insect order Mantodea. This particular species was introduced into the area near Philadelphia around 1900 and has...

Illinois Insect – Large Milkweed Bug

This photograph og a large milkweed bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus) was taken by our member Gordon Adams. Members of this family (Lygaeidae) of the insect order Heteroptera are commonly called seed bugs. As yu can see, they are conspiculously marked. Typically, such...