Nov 20, 2016 | Activities, Local Species
We met at the home of Frank Hitchell on November 19, 2016 for our final meeting of the year. We had a “show and tell” session where members brought photos and specimens to discuss. Here is a quick video overview. November, 2016 Entomology meeting from Mark...
Aug 31, 2013 | Activities, Local Species
Frank was recently interviewed by WTVP. We thought you might be interested in viewing the copy posted on YouTube.
Jun 27, 2009 | Local Species, Photos
This paper wasp (Polistes fuscatus) was photographed by our member Gordon Adams. Paper wasps are members of the insect family Vespidae in the order Hymenoptera. Their nests consist of a horizontal comb of paper cells supported by a slender stalk. These wasps make...
Jun 13, 2009 | Local Species, Photos
This photo of a soldier beetle (Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus) was taken by Gordon Adams. Soldier beetles are members of the beetle family Cantharidae and the adults are usually found on flowers.
May 30, 2009 | Local Species, Photos
This photo of a Chinese Mantid (Tenodera aridifolia) was taken by Gordon Adams (a member of our group). There are roughly 2,300 described species of the insect order Mantodea. This particular species was introduced into the area near Philadelphia around 1900 and has...
May 16, 2009 | Local Species, Photos
This photograph og a large milkweed bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus) was taken by our member Gordon Adams. Members of this family (Lygaeidae) of the insect order Heteroptera are commonly called seed bugs. As yu can see, they are conspiculously marked. Typically, such...
May 2, 2009 | Local Species, Photos
This Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele) was photographed by our member Gordon Adams. This species is typically found in open areas or near the edge of forested areas. It can be common at times (depending on the climate conditions in a given year).
Apr 18, 2009 | Local Species, Photos
This Giant Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio cresphontes) was photographed by Gordon Adams (a member of our group). Butterflies of this species are the largest butterflies found in Illinois. They are typically encountered in woods and nearby open areas.
Apr 5, 2009 | Local Species, Photos
This photograph of a Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia) was taken by our member Gordon Adams. This butterfly species is typically found in prairie or other open environments (more often in sandy regions). This is a state enangered species. More information can be...